All contributions from the conference week (national and international).
Abel, S. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
New crops for wet peatlands: Using the Database of Potential Paludiculture Plants (DPPP) to preserve peat soils International Conference | RRR2017 Session: Biomass: production and utilisation |
The contribution of drained organic soils to the globally emitted greenhouse gases and emission hotspots |
Bejko, D. et al. |
Community based assessment on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services in Shkodra Lake watershed |
Applying the concept of Societal relationships with nature: insights for paludiculture and rewetting projects |
Bockermann, C. et al. |
MOORuse Paludiculture on fen peatlands in Bavaria - Establishment, climatic impact and environmental effects, utilization options and economic viability |
Bork, L. |
Praxis-Beispiele aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern I: Nierdermoor-Biomasse Heizwerk Malchin |
Brix, H. et al. |
Growth response of paludicrops to fertilisation |
The water balance of a Sphagnum farming site in Northwest Germany |
Buschmann, C. et al. |
Perspectives for agriculturally used drained peat soils: Comparison of the socio-economic and ecologic business environment of six European countries |
Busse, S. et al. |
Mapping and monitoring of Sphagnum farming site with ultra-high resolution UAV- and ground-based imagery |
Caporn, S. et al. |
Sphagnum restoration on degraded blanket and raised bogs in the UK using micropropagated source material: a review of experimental trials |
Couwenberg, J. et al. |
Vegetation as a proxy for GHG emissions from peatlands: an update of the GEST-list |
<>A business case for reed as a renewable resource
International Conference | RRR2017 Session: Economy and society |
Czubaszek, R. et al. |
Greenhouse gases emissions from soils fertilized with anaerobically digested biomass from wetlands |
Biomass harvest on wet peatlands – assessment of different harvesting regimes using a labor time classification based model |
Utilisation of biomass from wet fen meadows in a local heating plant |
Economic and ecological assessment of solid fuels from rewetted peatlands |
Drösler, M. |
Paludikultur-Projekte zum Klimaschutz in bayerischen Mooren: MOORuse & KUP |
Three phase technology of harvesting and transportation of biomass from wetlands to nearby warehouses |
Fenchuk, V. |
Will biomass oriented conservation actions only further threaten wold’s largest refuge of a globally threatened passerine? A case for Zvaniec fen |
Fikowicz-Krosko, J. et al. |
Large-scale plant micropropagation |
Freibauer, A.Vortrag | ✉ |
Promoting paludiculture in the next Common Agricultural Policy framework |
Fritz, C. et al. |
Cutting-of or salting-down? Promising management tools to improve the carbon footprint of Paludicultures |
Let it grow! - Sphagnum biomass production on rewetted cut-over bog and bog grassland in Germany |
Nutrient recycling in rewetted peatlands used for paludiculture |
What have we learnt from five years of paludiculture in a mediterranean peatland (Tuscany, IT) |
The wavering path to paludiculture in Indonesia |
Reed-based renewable energy development in the Danube and Dniester deltas of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania |
Gosch, G. et al. |
Hydraulic conductivity of coastal fen peat as influenced by salinity |
Graf, M. et al. |
Protection for Optimal Sphagnum growth |
Grootjans, A. |
Peatland restoration and paludiculture for clean and safe water |
Günther, A. et al. |
Paludiculture and greenhouse gases: case studies from three sites in northern Germany |
Günther, A. et al. |
Greenhouse gas balance of an establishing Sphagnum culture on a former bog grassland in Germany |
Gutierrez-Pacheco, S. et al. |
Irrigation control system for the production of sphagnum biomass: Tracking of water consumption |
Haberl, A. et al. |
Wetland Energy – renewable energy production on former excavated peatlands in Belarus |
Sphagnum farming initiatives in Canada: an overview. |
Huth, V. et al. |
A black alder plantation improves the greenhouse gas balance of a degraded moist peat grassland |
Huth, V. et al. |
Long-term changes in plant productivity, nutrient status, and vegetation development at a simulated common reed meadow - An outline for a long-term paludiculture field trial |
Jacobsen, J. |
Praxis-Beispiel aus Schleswig-Holstein: Nachhaltige Moorbewirtschaftung in der Eider-Treene-Sorge Niederung |
Joosten, H. |
The contribution of paludiculture to climate change mitigation and adaptation |
Jordan, S. et al. |
Summer CO2 and CH4 fluxes from emerging Sphagnum lawns in a rewetted extracted peatland in Sweden |
Karer, J. et al. |
Potential of paludiculture in selected peatland areas in Austria |
Karofeld, E. et al. |
Performance of Sphagnum species in experimental extracted peatland restoration |
The review of the results of performed EU projects on reed and meadow grasses in Estonia and Finland |
Keightley, A. T. et al. |
Comparative photosynthesis, respiration and growth of micro-propagated Sphagnum species |
Kekkonen, H. et al. |
Could there be paludiculture on Finnish cultivated peat soils? |
Kiviat, E. |
Phragmites australis niches for other biota are similar on three continents |
From natural peat moss to a commercial growing media constituent |
Kotowski, W. |
CLEARANCE project: CircuLar Economy Approach to River pollution by Agricultural Nutrients with use of Carbon-storing Ecosystems |
Species protection by paludiculture: Sphagnum cultures as surrogate habitats |
Krus, M. et al. |
Typha angustifolia as a basis for the development of a new building material with multiple environmental and practical advantages |
Kumar, S. |
Praxis-Beispiel aus Niedersachsen: Toorfmooskultivierung |
Laerke, P. E. et al. |
Greenhouse gas balance of paludiculture for biogas production |
Lambertini, C. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
Paludicrop plants have invasive traits - prevention is better than cure International Conference | RRR2017 |
Landgraf, L. Vortrag |
AUKM Moorschonende Stauhaltung in Brandenburg Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Leiber-Sauheitl, K. et al. Poster |
Development of a tool for the decision making process in identifying peat substitutes for growing media International Conference | RRR2017 |
Liu, H. et al. Poster |
Processes and efficiency of nitrate turnover in degraded peat under continuous flow conditions International Conference | RRR2017 |
Luthardt, V. et al. Poster | pdf |
International Conference | RRR2017 |
Marozau, A. et al. Poster |
The Results of introduction of lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) on the developed riding peat bogs in the Belarusian Lakeland International Conference | RRR2017 |
Matchutadze, I. et al. Poster |
A Colchis Lowlands master plan - Long-term development and conservation International Conference | RRR2017 |
Melts, I. et al. Poster |
Peatlands and floodplain meadows support sustainable and resilient future International Conference | RRR2017 |
Better Wetter: linking spatial adaptation to regional transitions International Conference | RRR2017 |
Müller, J. et al. Poster | pdf |
The energy potential of soft rush (Juncus effusus L.) for different utilisation pathways International Conference | RRR2017 |
Müller, J. et al. Poster |
Potassium status after 17 years of wet grassland restitution on a degraded minerotrophic peat soil International Conference | RRR2017 |
International Conference | RRR2017 |
Developing a climate-smart local energy supply with paludiculture International Conference | RRR2017 |
Oberpaur, C. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
Sustainable harvesting of Sphagnum magellanicum moss in Chile: a case analysis International Conference | RRR2017 |
Oehmke, C. Vortrag | ✉ |
Combustility and nutrient export potential of biomass from rewetted fens in North-Eastern Germany International Conference | RRR2017 |
Oehmke, C. et al.; Poster | ✉ |
Combustion Quality of Paludi-Pellets from rewetted fens in Northeastern Germany International Conference | RRR2017 |
Oestmann, J. et al. Poster |
The effect of Sphagnum farming on the greenhouse gas balance of donor and propagation areas, irrigation polders and commercial cultivation sites International Conference | RRR2017 |
Orlov, T. et al. Poster | pdf |
International Conference | RRR2017 |
Osterburg, B. et al. Vortrag |
Impacts of the EU Common Agricultural Policy and the EU climate policy on the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from drained peat soils International Conference | RRR2017 |
International Conference | RRR2017 |
Parish, F. Vortrag | pdf |
Climate-smart peatland use to improve livelihoods International Conference | RRR2017 |
Parker, L. et al.; Vortrag | ✉ |
The Great Fen - A lowland peatland restoration International Conference | RRR2017 |
Peters, J. et al. Vortrag |
Is Europe ready for Paludiculture? – Implications of the EU Regulatory Environment International Conference | RRR2017 |
Piayda, A. et al. Poster |
Physical and chemical properties of organic soils under agricultural use in Europe. International Conference | RRR2017 |
Pijlman, J. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
The potential of the Paludiculture crop Typha in a dairy farming system: nutritional values and biomass yield driven by harvesting date and stand age International Conference | RRR2017 |
Renou-Wilson, F. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
Rewetted peatlands with benefits: dispatch from Ireland’s monitoring network International Conference | RRR2017 |
Röhe, P. Vortrag |
Praxis-Beispiele aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern II: Paludikultur mit Anbau der Schwarz-Erle Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Sabogal, A. et al. Poster |
The soil and the biodiversity of the paramo ecosystem, Ayabaca, Peru International Conference | RRR2017 |
Schlattmann, A. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
Development and trial of an evaluation tool for the identification of the spatial potentials of paludicultures – An approach for the reduction of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions International Conference | RRR2017 |
Schmacka, F. et al. Poster | pdf |
WETSCAPES –from understanding to sustainable use of peatlands International Conference | RRR2017 |
Implementing Paludiculture - How we can avoid land-use conflicts? International Conference | RRR2017 |
Fachpapier zur Umsetzung von Paludikultur in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Schwemmer, R. Vortrag | ✉ |
Cattail Products for a mass market: Insulation material based on cattail International Conference | RRR2017 |
Schulz, J. et al. Poster |
Sustainable Cultivation of Drosera rotundifolia for Pharmacological, Food and Cosmetics Industry International Conference | RRR2017 |
Sendzikaite, J. et al. Poster | pdf |
Experiments on restoration of raised bog vegetation cover in abandoned part of cut-away peatland International Conference | RRR2017 |
Sippel, U. et al. Vortrag |
Programm Niedersächsische Moorlandschaften und Kompetenzstelle Paludikultur am 3N Kompetenzzentrum in Niedersachsen Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Smolders, A. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
Azolla farming on rewetted peat soils International Conference | RRR2017 |
Sorrell, B. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
Nutrient preferences and limitations of paludicrops: insights from the photosynthesis-nitrogen relationship International Conference | RRR2017 |
Stepanovich, J. et al. Poster |
The ecological monitoring of vegetation of mires of Belarus: structure, methods, network points International Conference | RRR2017 |
St-Hilaire, B. et al. Poster | pdf |
Harvesting, characterization and potential use of sphagnum for the horticultural industry International Conference | RRR2017 |
Svedarsky, W. D. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
Sustainable Watersheds to Renewable Energy International Conference | RRR2017 |
Svedarsky, W. D. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
Integrated Management of Invasive Cattails as Biofuel and as a Wetland Management Strategy in the Northern Great Plains of the United States. International Conference | RRR2017 |
Tanneberger, F. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
Summer or winter? Ten years of mowing in Rozwarowo Marshes and Peene Valley - results on vegetation and breeding birds International Conference | RRR2017 |
Lesson Learned from Paludiculture Practices in Indonesia International Conference | RRR2017 |
Temmink, R. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
Sphagnum farming in a eutrophic world: the importance of optimal nutrient stoichiometry International Conference | RRR2017 |
Biomass and pathways for utilisationnof reed in the Ili Delta, Kazakhstan International Conference | RRR2017 |
Thevs, N. et al. Poster | ✉ |
Estimate and utilization potential of the reed biomass from the Ili Delta, Kazakhstan International Conference | RRR2017 |
Trinogga, J. et al. Vortrag |
Moor- und Klimaschutz in Baden-Württemberg und Bayern Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Ullrich, K. Poster |
Paludiculture - risks, chances, positions and needs for action from a nature conservation point of view. Position paper by German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and Agencies for Nature Conservation of the federal states rich in peatlands (Bavaria, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein) International Conference | RRR2017 |
van, Belle J. et al. Poster |
Better Wetter - Paludiculture for future-proof water management International Conference | RRR2017 |
van, den Elzen E. et al. Poster |
Sphagnum cultivation in the Peat Meadow Landscape: bottlenecks and opportunities for restoring ecosystem services International Conference | RRR2017 |
van, Weeren A. Vortrag | ✉ |
Using reed and Typha as building material, best practice tests on a realistic house restoration project International Conference | RRR2017 |
Vroom, R. et al. Vortrag | ✉ |
The influence of nitrogen input on biomass yield and nutrient sequestration in rewetted peatlands International Conference | RRR2017 |
Wenzel, M. et al Poster |
Germination and early growth patterns of two Typha species – the first year of establishment International Conference | RRR2017 |
Economics of paludiculture: Sphagnum farming, Reed harvesting and Cattail cultivation International Conference | RRR2017 |
Wichmann, S. Poster | ✉ |
Review on economic incentives for wet peatland management International Conference | RRR2017 |
Hemmnisse und Chancen für Paludikultur in Deutschland Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Wichtmann, W. et al. Poster |
Paludiculture - climate smart land use on peatland International Conference | RRR2017 |
Wichtmann, W. Vortrag |
Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von Mooren: Beispiele aud Deutschland und der Welt Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Wright, N. et al. Poster |
Sustainable BeadaMoss® Micropropagated (Clean) Sphagnum for Sphagnum Farming & Restoration - Providing a Pure Sphagnum Crop International Conference | RRR2017 |
Wysocka-Czubaszek, A. et al. Poster |
The fate of nitrogen originated from mown wetland biomass in a swampy river valley landscape International Conference | RRR2017 |
Managing nutrient and carbon release from inundated peatlands International Conference | RRR2017 |
Zoch, L. et al. Poster |
Impact of Sphagnum-harvesting on invertebrates: species composition and habitat changes on a donor site in northwestern Germany International Conference | RRR2017 |
Raschke, I. Poster |
Kooperativer Moorschutz mit Landschaftspflegeverbänden Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Raschke, I. Poster |
Landschaftspflegeverbände in Deutschland Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Hartung, C. et al. Poster |
Biogasertragspotential von Paludikultur-Pflanzen Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Hohlbein, M. Poster | pdf |
Finanzierungsoptionen für Klimaschutz durch Moorschutz Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Luthardt, V. et al. Poster | pdf |
Standortangepasste Moornutzungsoptionen – Unterstützung der Entscheidung durch das DSS-TORBOS Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Schmacka, F. et al. Poster |
WETSCAPES –Vom Verstehen zur nachhaltigen Nutzung von Mooren Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Ullrich, K. Poster |
Paludikultur- Risken, Chancen, Positionen und Handlungsbedarf aus Naturschutzsicht. Positionspapier des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz und der Naturschutzbehörden der moorreichen Bundesländer (Bayern, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein) Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Schulz, J. et al. Poster |
Drosera rotundifolia aus Paludikultur- Nachhaltiger Sonnentau-Rohstoff aus Deutschland Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Proesl, K.-H. et al. Poster |
Kiesabbau im Niedermoor- versehentlich versumpft Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Nordt, A. et al. Poster | pdf |
Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Nordt, A. et al. Poster | pdf |
Klimaschutz durch thermische Verwertung von Biomasse aus Paludikultur Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Koebbing, J. Poster |
Torfmooskultivierung als Substratausgangsstoff auf Schwarztorfmoosflächen Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Hartung, C. et al. Poster |
Biogaserstragspotential von Paludikultur-Pflanzen (Projekt:MOORuse) Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Dahms, T. et al. Poster |
Das Heizwerk für Niedermoorbiomasse in Malchin Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |
Heitepriem, N. et al. Poster | pdf |
Nachhaltige Systemlösungen zur Inwertsetzung marginaler Landschaften Nationale Tagung | Klimaschutz und Moornutzung |