




Conference: Climate Protection and Peatland Use: Potential in Germany

Examples for projects and initiatives on paludiculture for climate and nature protection are manifold. The conference “Climate protection and peatland use: potential in Germany” gathered stakeholders and stimulated exchange.

Based on presentations of best practice examples from peatland rich federal states the following topics were discussed:

  • What are the experiences with paludiculture in Germany?
  • How do peatland rich federal states fund and stimulate paludiculture projects?
  • What are obstacles and potentials in the implementation of paludiculture?

A separate day of excursions offered possibilities to visit best practice examples of paludiculture implementation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

An overview of the contributions to the conference "Climate protection and peatland use: potential in Germany" can be found here.

We would like to thank our funders!

The organisation of the conference:

Paludiculture in Germany was supported by: