

Programs & Details

In March 2021, the Greifswald Mire Centre hosted a conference on paludiculture. Video presentations, online discussion forums, posters and virtual excursions will allow you to share and widen your knowledge.

The RRR2021 Preliminary Programme

Day 1 and 2 will each start with two passionate keynote speakers. Altogether more than 100 scientific oral and poster presentations are divided over 21 Sessions. The session on “Finance options for livelihoods from wet peatlands” is co-organised with FAO, UNEP, IUCN and WWF. Excursions usually represent one of the most enjoyable and inspiring part of the programme when traveling to conferences. Since this part cannot take place, eight inspiring virtual paludiculture excursions will be presented. The literature evening, workshops, and an art session are some other highlights in the programme. Several booths in the virtual exhibition hall expose wetland-related products, techniques, and services. The virtual platform provides the best networking opportunities with discussion forums, open spaces, and face to face conversations to get in contact with scientist, practitioners, pioneers, and other experts from all over the world.

A detailed conference programme can be found here.

1st Announcement (pdf | 4MB)
2nd Announcement (pdf | 4MB)
3nd Announcement (pdf | 2MB)
Detailed_Programme_RRR2021 (pdf | 2MB)
Hand_out_FAQ_RRR2021 (pdf | 2MB)
Privacy_Policy_RRR2021 (pdf | 1MB)
RRR2021_key messages (pdf | 2MB)
RRR2021_proceedings (pdf | 7MB)
Template_virtual_exibition_booth_RRR2021 (xlsx | 2MB)
Tutorial_Aussteller_RRR2021 (pdf | 2MB)
Tutorial_participants_RRR2021 (pdf | 2MB)
Tutorial_pre_recorded_presentation_RRR2021 (pdf | 1MB)
Tutorial_speaker_RRR2021 (pdf | 2MB)

More Information

Special Sessions

Here you can find more information on keynotes, joint session, evening programme & workshops.