

Establishing scalable value chains for paludiculture biomass from rewetted peatlands in Germany in alliance with economic stakeholders

Aim of the project

Within the toMOORow Initiative, the project PaludiAllianz will connect well-known companies with the agricultural sector, science, associations and politics to establish and expand scalable value chains for paludiculture biomass in pilot products.


  • Knowledge transfer: preparing and providing information for relevant stakeholders and partners within PaludiAllianz and beyond
  • Establishingt and expanding of scalable value chains for paludiculture biomass in different utilization options
  • Establishing, organizing and strategically developing of PaludiAllianz by networking
  • Providing paludiculture biomass by developing and establishing a digital network/platform “Paludiculture biomass exchange”
  • Determining and assuring biomass quality and supporting the optimisation of biomass processing

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